Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Post-modern attempts to invalidate what Christ said, usually begin with an attack upon the flawed efforts of imperfect men to be accurate in recording exactly what Jesus stated. Even Pastors, graduates of Seminary Schools having advanced degrees may question "just what Christ meant" and some attribute what we are reading to men who were not present when Christ utterred his words - probably in Aramaic.

Additionally, the attack continues with mathmatical calculations used by "other life" proponants in our, or other galaxies. Such people advance their speculation in an effort to invalidate the Genesis stories. These detractors propose that, like dozens of bicycle spokes leading to one hub, there can be many paths to God/Eternal Life. They frequently outline the "buffet" approach to faith and suggest that anyone can take their own spiritual "plate," stroll up to the buffet and select portions from a vast array of incongruous selections.

Jesus stated that He is the Truth, the Way and the Life and no man comes to the father, except by him. Theologically, He presents himself as the only bridge that has spanned the chasm caused in Genesis 3 - the seperation from God and removal of access to the Tree of Life - he is the only bridge that leads to the perfect destination.

Yet our neighbors and family members decide upon the wrong paths, unbelieving that the bridge is out and their eternal opportunities face peril.

In 1974, in Tasmania, Australia, one man was able to stop his vehicle before plunging off the Hobart Bridge after a span collapsed due to a collision between a barge and the bridge's piers. The man exited his car and ran back against traffic, wildly swinging his arms and shouting at drivers that "the bridge is out." Some people heeded his warning and their mortal lives were spared. Others proceeded and plunged to their deaths.

If Jesus has lied, we have no bridge. If He has told the truth and you are on any other path..."the bridge is out!"

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