Friday, June 17, 2016


The posts on this site were copied and pasted from a dormant BlogSpot.  They were not arrayed in chronological order and I apologize for that.  The impetus for this site was created when a fellow Protestant wrote a lengthy paper and submitted it to his Pastor and had his notions validated.  His paper emphasized a laundry-list of passages (many referring to the Sermon on the Mount and entry into the Kingdom of Heaven passages) which he interpreted to be absolute requirements of everyone seeking to enter Heaven.  He asked three brothers to test what he had written and my very first Biblical citation was the thief on the cross; no Baptism, no Habitat for Humanity work, no soup kitchen volunteering... as we read the account- Jesus did it all!  That example prodded the Spirit to remind me of the many contrasting examples found in this blog.

As this 2nd effort - - is launched, I promise to ruminate on the Scriptures and post additional references of God's (yes, along with Jesus and the Spirit of Holiness) great and exclusive works.


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